Committed to the future
Medical Park has a very special history of success. Our principal shareholder, Ernst Freiberger, had a vision 20 years ago, which he implemented during a period of crisis in the healthcare system with a great deal of courage and persistence. There has always been one main concept behind this vision: commitment to the future! Over the years, Medi-cal Park has become a premium provider for reha-bilitation, treating 70,000 patients every year. Our company now has twelve specialised clinics and two outpatient centres. All our centres are loca-ted in the most beautiful regions of Germany and deliver the highest quality in medical treatment, therapy, and nursing care. When patients arrive at Medical Park, we welcome them warmly with the intention of returning them to their familiar routi-ne as soon as possible, mobile and free of pain. Each of our patients is also our guest.A very important issue for us is to continue de-veloping our medical expertise and meet our pati-ents' requirements to the greatest possible extent. We use innovative therapeutic methods which are continually monitored for their effectiveness, thus helping to improve them. Medical Park actively invests in teaching and research, and our senior physicians collaborate closely with prestigious universities and institutes."I would like to mention the interdisciplinary aspect of our centres. Decades of collaboration between the fields of orthopaedics, neurology, cardiology, psychosomatic medicine, and oncology have sus-tained the success of our treatments. “We ensure this success for our patients in a transparent qua-lity management programme – with independent external quality control, internal assessment, and many years of continuous certification. In addition, we treat our patients holistically and individually according to their own personal rhythm.Transparency is evident from our company com-munication. Our team of physicians, therapists, psychologists, dieticians, nurses, and service staff treat each other with respect. This enables us to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care and that they also feel comfortable at Medi-cal Park.
Recovery – our goal
Since 1977, the family-owned business Medical Park has stood for the highest standards of medical and therapeutic rehabilitation. At our twelve clinics and two outpatient centres, we provide medical ex-pertise and personal care to 70,000 patients per year. Our motivated team of roughly 200 physicians, 800 therapists and 750 nurses strive for the best possible treatment with a personal touch. Our goal is to help our patients recover quickly and return to their everyday lives.All Medical Park clinics have had DIN ISO certification since 2005 and QMS REHA certification since 2012. We ensure the greatest possible care for our patients at all centres under the Critical Inci-dent Reporting System (CIRS).

From theory to practice
The quality of medical treatment and therapy is crucial for success-ful rehabilitation. At Medical Park, a highly motivated and competent team of physicians, therapists and nurses provide comprehensive care to each individual patient. Our doctors are proven experts in their fields, working together across disciplines and in close collaboration with universities and institutes. This ensures increasing competence and improvement of therapeutic concepts and treatment quality.Medical Park actively promotes teaching and research by funding professorships, thus ensuring that newly developed therapies are pro-vided in our clinics. Our goal is to relieve pain and restore mobility and independence to our patients. We always focus on the long-term success of treatment, because only sustainable rehabilitation ensures quality of life and active patients. This aim guides our work in medical treatment, therapy, and nursing care.
Working together for health
The excellent medical services that we offer our patients every day are only possible due to the great dedication and high level of expertise of our employees. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the trust our employees place in the Medical Park clinics. Especially in times when specialists are in high demand, we view the fact that so many excellent employees decide to work for us – and remain loyal to us for many years – as a testament to our company culture.With recognition, mutual respect, motivation, and personal and professional support, our aim is to offer our employees a workplace where they enjoy working. The happiness and commitment of the entire team is essential to the satisfaction of our patients. To learn the needs of our employees, we conduct regular surveys and implement the results in the work routine in a constructive manner. We want a team that grows with us and can assume responsibility – and that is possible only in a work environment where everyone feels comfortable.Every employee, whatever their role, is equally important to us. The good teamwork bet-ween all our employees makes it possible to ensure the quality of our services. This is why we support and promote our employees and encourage their passion for their jobs with an extensive continuing training programme, by making family and work compatible, and offering a range of preventive health programmes for their own well-being. We can maintain our high standards only with qualified and motivated employees.Together. Attentive. Responsible.
Back to life
Helga Plamper, 78 years of age, could no longer speak or swallow after her stroke, and the right side of her body was paralysed. But after just a few weeks she had made fantastic progress. This came about through intensive training, discipline and optimism. Using the latest specialist knowledge combined with sensitivity and the ability to motivate, thera-pists helped her on her difficult journey.
Motivate, train, and activate
Live as independently as possible again – that is the most important goal of rehabilitation. After an ill-ness, injury or operation, many movements that used to be no problem for patients are sudden-ly no longer possible. Then the question arises – will I get back to normal again? In this stressful situation, providing motivation is just as crucial as an atmosphere in which patients feel that they are in good hands and that their concerns and fears are taken se-riously.
Our high personnel-patient ratio allows us to give every patient a broad range of effective the-rapies. From the start, patients can plan their therapy together with their therapist. The aim is not only to regain capabilities as soon as possible, but also to achieve safety and freedom from pain. Our therapists work closely in an interdisciplinary team with doctors and nurses – success is achieved only when everyone works together. Constant moti-vation is key, helping patients to find the courage and strength to work toward recovery. Successful therapy is always the sum of specific individual treat-ments. We use physical therapy, occupational therapy, and neu-ropsychological or speech thera-py – depending on the individual needs of the patients. In addition to medical treatment to eliminate symptoms and pain as quickly as possible, we also work with the patient on mental regeneration and strengthening his or her men-tal resilience. All these together highlight the holistic approach we use.
Return to normal life / Enjoy movement / Regain awareness of the body / Time for relaxation / Gain confidence / New beginning for body and soul.

Recovery – our goal
Since 1977, the family-owned business Medical Park has stood for the highest standards of medical and therapeutic rehabilitation. At our twelve clinics and two outpatient centres, we provide medical ex-pertise and personal care to 70,000 patients per year. Our motivated team of roughly 200 physicians, 800 therapists and 750 nurses strive for the best possible treatment with a personal touch. Our goal is to help our patients recover quickly and return to their everyday lives.All Medical Park clinics have had DIN ISO certification since 2005 and QMS REHA certification since 2012. We ensure the greatest possible care for our patients at all centres under the Critical Inci-dent Reporting System (CIRS).

The quality of medical treatment and therapy is crucial for success-ful rehabilitation. At Medical Park, a highly motivated and competent team of physicians, therapists and nurses provide comprehensive care to each individual patient. Our doctors are proven experts in their fields, working together across disciplines and in close collaboration with universities and institutes. This ensures increasing competence and improvement of therapeutic concepts and treatment quality.Medical Park actively promotes teaching and research by funding professorships, thus ensuring that newly developed therapies are pro-vided in our clinics. Our goal is to relieve pain and restore mobility and independence to our patients. We always focus on the long-term success of treatment, because only sustainable rehabilitation ensures quality of life and active patients. This aim guides our work in medical treatment, therapy, and nursing care.
Working together for health
The excellent medical services that we offer our patients every day are only possible due to the great dedication and high level of expertise of our employees. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for the trust our employees place in the Medical Park clinics. Especially in times when specialists are in high demand, we view the fact that so many excellent employees decide to work for us – and remain loyal to us for many years – as a testament to our company culture.With recognition, mutual respect, motivation, and personal and professional support, our aim is to offer our employees a workplace where they enjoy working. The happiness and commitment of the entire team is essential to the satisfaction of our patients. To learn the needs of our employees, we conduct regular surveys and implement the results in the work routine in a constructive manner. We want a team that grows with us and can assume responsibility – and that is possible only in a work environment where everyone feels comfortable.Every employee, whatever their role, is equally important to us. The good teamwork bet-ween all our employees makes it possible to ensure the quality of our services. This is why we support and promote our employees and encourage their passion for their jobs with an extensive continuing training programme, by making family and work compatible, and offering a range of preventive health programmes for their own well-being. We can maintain our high standards only with qualified and motivated employees.Together. Attentive. Responsible.
Back to life
Helga Plamper, 78 years of age, could no longer speak or swallow after her stroke, and the right side of her body was paralysed. But after just a few weeks she had made fantastic progress. This came about through intensive training, discipline and optimism. Using the latest specialist knowledge combined with sensitivity and the ability to motivate, thera-pists helped her on her difficult journey.
Motivate, train, and activate
Live as independently as possible again – that is the most important goal of rehabilitation. After an ill-ness, injury or operation, many movements that used to be no problem for patients are sudden-ly no longer possible. Then the question arises – will I get back to normal again? In this stressful situation, providing motivation is just as crucial as an atmosphere in which patients feel that they are in good hands and that their concerns and fears are taken se-riously.
Our high personnel-patient ratio allows us to give every patient a broad range of effective the-rapies. From the start, patients can plan their therapy together with their therapist. The aim is not only to regain capabilities as soon as possible, but also to achieve safety and freedom from pain. Our therapists work closely in an interdisciplinary team with doctors and nurses – success is achieved only when everyone works together. Constant moti-vation is key, helping patients to find the courage and strength to work toward recovery. Successful therapy is always the sum of specific individual treat-ments. We use physical therapy, occupational therapy, and neu-ropsychological or speech thera-py – depending on the individual needs of the patients. In addition to medical treatment to eliminate symptoms and pain as quickly as possible, we also work with the patient on mental regeneration and strengthening his or her men-tal resilience. All these together highlight the holistic approach we use.
Return to normal life / Enjoy movement / Regain awareness of the body / Time for relaxation / Gain confidence / New beginning for body and soul.