Flexible service rates

Most health systems providing services for patients or seekers of health care usually advertise health services as travel packages as a way of marketing and customer attraction.

 For example, when somebody reserve the nose surgery with a four-star hotel for three nights package, 15% of the cost is just for performing a marketing operation, the subject that is in contravention of health and medical guidelines and also international standards.

- In Tabibtrip system, we provide specialized services with a humanistic view as a highly specialized priority for service seekers and also providing suitable services without considering commercial gain.

- In Tabibtrip system, first, you declare your need and the cost you want to make and then we provide the service for you based on your medical need in consultation with the 25 hospitals already signed contract with our company and at last the services will be introduced to you in the form of official contract.

- Obviously this kind of announcement of prices and contracts is in accordance with international standards and somehow is your official status.